Tuesday, March 21, 2023

It's a given

 I've been thinking a lot lately. [No, there's no smell of smoke here...]

People today complain about a lot of things. Some things, I totally agree with: we shouldn't be banning books, women should be able to make their own choices, there shouldn't be such a vast difference between the pay of a CEO and the regular working people.

But other things... I just don't get it. We complain about not being able to afford things, and I totally KNOW there are people out there that can't afford to buy a house or who struggle to buy food, but there are A LOT of people who "struggle" to maintain *needs* but somehow do *wants*.

People get Lasik, Botox, laser hair removal, vacations to other countries..

And then get "help" (from parents or government, it's all the same to me; help is help) making their mortgage, paying their cell phone, or their health insurance.

Sometimes it feels like people today (any generation, not just mine) feel entitled to the fun stuff, but the need-stuff should be givens. Given from whom, I don't think it matters, as long as it's provided-for.

If you can't afford your mortgage and groceries for your kids on your own, then I don't think you should be able to afford to go to Mexico, Hawaii, or Disneyland. I say this, but then I think about when I had a mom and I remember that I wished she WOULD just pay $200 toward the power bill instead of gifts we wouldn't use because that would give me wiggle room to pay for something I wanted. So maybe, all of these people who say they can't afford their regular life things and wind up getting what I deem as extras are really getting help to be able to afford their fun stuff?

Who knows. I'm just thankful for the life I have, where I'm not worried about my day-to-day stuff anymore or future, really. I just know I have enough right now and that's ok with me. (Though, I would really love to get Lasik. I just can't justify it when my expiration date could be 2 years for 10 years. Seems like a lot of wasted money just to be able to see for maybe a 1,000 days).  

It's a given

 I've been thinking a lot lately. [No, there's no smell of smoke here...] People today complain about a lot of things. Some things, ...