Thursday, August 2, 2018

Pre-Day 1

I'm writing this before our day even officially begins. This is the most difficult beginning of the school year I've had since choosing to homeschool our kids four years ago. I think a lot has to do with that the last two years of "life" haven't felt so great (cancer and realizing you have no "village" are two difficult things to tackle,  I find), so I feel like I'm somehow failing in everything. Each year, I put the kids' names in for local charter schools and this year, I got them in to a brand-new one. I was hesitant in the beginning, because of change for them and did I do a good enough job so far?? But then I realized there was no earthly way I could manage to drive 20+ hours a week when I'm already struggling with exhaustion. So... we're doing the next-best-thing: homeschooling another year.

This year, I have less medical commitments so that's helpful. I want to find a rhythm to life again and I don't think I'm going to find it by staring at Facebook, wondering why everyone's life looks so great and I'm full of "woe is me". I like to share, so I figure tracking in a blog might help me see the "bigger picture."

So, here I am. Ready to start a new school year, even if I am quite hesitant about it.

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